Towards a real green transition of the European TCLF industries 1


Towards a real green transition of the European TCLF industries

08 / 08 / 2022

Content published by: LederPiel

The future of the European textile, apparel, leather and footwear industries (known by the acronym TCLF) is inevitably going to be increasingly green and digital. This was the main conclusion reached at the meeting held on July 4 in Brussels (Belgium) between representatives of the European employers’ associations for footwear (CEC), tanning (Cotance), textiles (Euratex) and the European union IndustriAll with members of the European Commission.

The meeting resulted in a joint declaration requesting more aid from the European Union so that the TCLF sectors can be «more resilient, sustainable and digital» and be able to «promote sustainable production and consumption in the internal market of Europe». The goal is to ensure that by 2030 all textile, footwear and leather products marketed in the European Union are «durable and recyclable». In addition, this strategy includes new design requirements for textile and leather products, clearer product information and a digital product passport, all of which are measures to address the green transition and discourage the destruction of unsold or returned items.

For their part, the TCLF consortium partners asked the European Commission for more funding, legal incentives and support to help the European textile, footwear and leather sectors decarbonise their production and become more circular, as well as initiatives to ensure that workers have adequate training for the future.

For his part, the general secretary of Cotance, Gustavo González-Quijano, points out that “leather is the best example of a circular economy product, since it is the result of recycling an unavoidable waste from meat production. In doing so, European tanners create wealth and jobs for the entire value chain. The green transition? It is our DNA! And leather can and will be even more sustainable, but this must be done hand in hand with our regulators and stakeholders.”

You can access the original post HERE.
